Toe nail designs
By AlexxpuNkreaNk GrEzIkraYa
June, 17, 2012, at 3:56 a.m.
They say the feet and toes reflect our true personality. Toe nails define our feet. Beautifully maintained and attractively painted toe nails are the main reason for happy feet. Be it any kind of footwear, cool designs on your toe nails add value to it and you are sure to walk pretty!
In the contemporary world, nail designing has become a creative art. For your toe nails you can choose from acrylic designs, marvel painting, water marbling, French painting or hand-painting. Whatever you decide upon make sure that your toe nails are healthy.
Push up your cuticles gently and massage your nails with warm oil. Buffing makes them smooth and shiny. Keep them clean for designs to appear clear and bright. Your pedicure kit must include items like gauze, toe separators, base coat, nail polish, top coat, cotton bud, nail filer and buffer etc.
Hand-painted toe nail designs can be done at nail salons or you can give it a try yourself. Be experimental and play around with colors, you can paint tiny flowers, petals, leaves, stars, stripes, dots, geometrical patterns or the like. Hand-painted toe nail designs are unique for no two designs are same.
The market today offers artificially decorated nails that can pep up your toes. Available in a blast of conventional and fluorescent colors, these nails add bling to your feet. Besides this, toe nail designs are also created with tattoos, sea shells, tiny rhinestones, crystals and beads, jewel stickers and other items that we use for craft-work. Rhinestones can be placed on wet nail polish, give them a few minutes to dry and you are good to go.Stickers are easy to apply and last long even without a top coat.
Toe nails are also beautified with glitter and shimmer nail paints. Shape your nails as square, oval or round as you please and apply the nail paint as a pattern or a combination of colors.
Enjoy the designs and get stylish!

Fungal Infection on Your Finger and Toe Nails
By AlexxpuNkreaNk GrEzIkraYa
June, 17, 2012, at 3:56 a.m.
Nail fungus infection, can damage our finger or toe nails. Most often, these kinds of infections start on the toenails. Why the toenails, you might ask. As we all know, the fungus responsible for this infection thrives in humid surroundings. Your toenails are usually inside closed shoes, unless you are the type who prefers open type shoes or sandals. Inside your "humid" shoes, your toenails are most vulnerable to fungal infection. One other thing, since blood circulation may be diminished compared to the fingers, the body's immune system may not be able to detect and fight off the fungal infection.
Anyway, young adults may not be as vulnerable as much as older adults to nail fungal infection. Several reasons may be cited, there is the diminished blood circulation, or greater number of years of exposure to the infection-causing fungi.
As we grow old, our nails tend to grow not as fast as when we were young. Our nails also become thicker with age. This makes our dear old nails prone to this kind of fungi. One thing about nail fungal infection is that it affects the male more often than the women. This fungus infection also occurs in people who have a history of the infection in their family.
Moreover, our body's ability to fight this kind of fungal infection is somehow related to genetics. Speaking of who gets infected more, there are situations wherein anybody, whether male or female, may be infected. You may be the type of person who perspires heavily or you usually go to places that are humid (humid places are very good for the nail fungus). Your designer socks and shoes may be living up to their name, just for design. Please do not forget that your shoes and socks, whether designer ones or not, should have good ventilation.
They should let your toenails breathe. Your socks should absorb moisture and keep your feet dry and comfortable. So you say, "I don't wear shoes to prevent nail fungal infection". Not wearing shoes will not lessen your chances of catching this fungal infection. One thing is for sure, you are going to get dirty feet. Most probably, you will also have cuts on your skin and nails thereby increasing your chances of getting infected.
If you are aware of the symptoms of a nail fungal infection, it would be very good for you to consult a doctor at the soonest possible time. Left untreated, this kind of infection can be so persistent. So next time you clean your feet, don't take for granted any abnormal color or spot under your nails.
Some people are accustomed to pain but many are not. When it comes to nail fungal infections, these sometimes can be painful. Your nails may also suffer lasting damage due to the infection. Other infection may arise and spread to your body. Your weak immune system may be the result of taking in medications. Another would be if you have diabetes.
Diabetic people would not want any injury to happen to their feet, in particular, since this often takes a long time to heal. This will also allow the introduction of nail fungus causing an infection resulting in a serious complication.
Taking care of your feet can prevent this type of nail fungal infection. At the first sign or symptom of an infection to you nail, it is still best to see a doctor and have it diagnosed properly.
How to Get a Toenail Fungus Cure
By AlexxpuNkreaNk GrEzIkraYa
June, 17, 2012, at 3:56 a.m.
I have heard many people asking "What is toe nail fungus?" Toenail fungus is a living organism that thrives in dark and moist environments, especially under the nails. It is sometimes known as onychomycosis of the nail plate. Nail fungus is a very common infection, about 150 million people around the world and about 13 million people in the US are infected by nail fungus every year. To reduce infection, it is advisable to keep your nails always dry and clean, avoid polishing your nails if you found out that you are infected by nail fungus, remember they love and thrive in dark spots.
Nail fungus affects the toenails more often because they are usually in dark and damp places. In this article, I will discuss different ways to cure toenail fungus. Some of these ways are simple home remedies and they have worked for many people. The first is apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide solution; you mix both in a 50/50% ratio in a big bowl. Soak the infected toenail in the bowl for about 25-30 minutes every day for several days or weeks depending on the severity of the infection, you should begin to see some improvements after a couple of days.
Some people have used a combination of Clorox bleach and water, use about a cap full of bleach and a tall glass of water and pour the mixture in a basin, you don't want to soak your nail in a class, so soak your nail in the solution for 4 to 5 minutes for several days, chlorine will be absolved through the fingernails and after you dry off with a towel or better still a hair dryer to keep the moist away. I have seen people using a solution of Clorox bleach and vinegar but I would not advise anybody to try this. Experts warn that mixing common household bleach with vinegar can be dangerous.
The method describe above may be too chemical sensitive to some people, and if you happen to be one on those who are sensitive to chemical solutions. There are several topical creams that are found in your local pharmacy, some may be prescribed by the doctor, however that FDA has become more tolerant with tropical creams and now allow for over the counter use. A very effective tropical cream for toenail fungus is Zataclear. This is a natural solution for both finger and toenail fungus, some of the ingredients includes; Tea tree oil, Almond oil, jojoba oil, clove oil, undecylenic acid and lemongrass oil.
Zeta clear is a two-part solution to healthy looking nails. It is natural, safe and effective homeopathic remedy design to promote healthy clear appearing nails and above all it's easy to use. Weather you use the home treatment or the clinically prescribed remedy, with some patience and persistent, the fungus have to choice but to vanish.
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