Quick Manicure Guide
By : AlexpuNkreaNk grEzIkraYa, writers the content about Nail Art for you. at : 02:57 - 11/06/2012
Keeping your hands and nails in good shape are very important. It lets everyone know you take pride in yourself and keeps them from getting dry and uncomfortable. After awhile, good hand and nail care will become a habit you can't live without. You should be sure to wash your hands often and apply lotion immediately after to keep your skin hydrated and supple.
The first thing you need to do is wash and dry your hands completely. Using a pair of cuticle trimmers, carefully trim any torn or ragged cuticles. Next you need to file your nails. I know everyone says to file your nails in one direction, but I admit, I never do. I just file them until I get the shape I want, then call it good. You can use a nail buffer to smooth out the tops of your nails if you have any ridges. Be sure not to buff too much or too often so you don't weaken your nails.
The hardest part of a manicure is picking a color, so good luck! Once you do, dip your nail brush in the polish and lightly brush it against the inside of the top of the bottle to remove any extra polish. A good paint job involves only three strokes. Paint a stripe down the center of your nail, then one down each side. With a little practice you should be able to do this easily. It's really not as hard as it sounds. I like to start with a base coat, then a coat of color, then finish with a top coat....letting it dry completely in between coats. You can reapply the top coat every few days to give it a little extra shine and refresh your color. Washing your tools with rubbing alcohol when you are done will keep them sanitary and help them last longer.

Ten Tips for Strong and Healthy Nails
By : AlexpuNkreaNk grEzIkraYa, writers the content about Nail Art for you. at : 03:00 - 11/06/2012
Strong nails are a sign of good health. Doing things to improve nail strength often improves our overall health as well. Plus, even one nail with a chip, a split or an outright hangnail can cause us hours of obsession as we pick and gnaw away at it. Strong nails can help us to look and feel good. If nail strength is your goal, these ten tips are your recipe.

2. Eat beans. Protein is a great way to get strong nails. Try a Bean Burrito at Taco Bell and watch your nails grow stronger – plus your hair will be shinier and it is good for your health in general.
3. Keep a clear coat of polish on your nails when you don’t feel like doing a full-on manicure. Look for something that is strengthening for nails like the many options available by Sally Hansen at Walgreens or SallyHansen.
4. Use a nail polish remover without acetone or formaldehyde as these are drying. Use acetate-based polishes instead. And if possible, don’t remove your polish more than twice a month.
5. File your nails in one direction. When filing your nails into your desired shape, try to primary file the top of the nail in one direction.
6. Don’t bite. Your nails, that is. Biting nails causes them to be nonexistent, unattractive and jagged. It typically does not have a long term effect on nails (http://naildesigniwik.blogspot.com/).
7. Wear rubber gloves when you are working a lot in soap and water or harsh chemicals. This is a good way to protect.
8. Keep your nails (and yourself) moisturized. Apply a hand moisturizer daily (Eucerin Plus Intensive Repair Hand Crème is a great lotion that dries quickly to make hands silky, available at Walgreens) and massage them into your fingernails as well.
9. Take vitamins to improve your nail strength. B Vitamin Biotin was found to strengthen horses hooves and, in later studies, people too. Zinc is also a good way to strengthen nails.
10. Tap your nails on your desk. You know the tapping that you do that can show people you’re impatient or bored? According to Lady’s Home Journal, it stimulates growth, making them stronger.

feeling. Pick your color of choice, add studs or paint your initials or a message onto your nails. It is a way to pamper and express too.

Apply a base and top coat and push back your cuticles in addition to your color polish when giving yourself a manicure.
Deep orange is a hot fall hue though deep purple is our recurring favorite.
Visit [http://naildesigniwik.blogspot.com/] for more.

Making Your Brittle Nails Stronger
By : AlexpuNkreaNk grEzIkraYa, writers the content about Nail Art for you. at : 03:05 - 11/06/2012
If you have always wanted long glamorous natural nails, or even medium length nails, you might be frustrated when your nails peel, chip, fray, split or just break off as soon as they get close to the length you want.
Some people have ridges in their nails that grow out as part of the nail then cause issues when they become exposed at the nail tip. Otherwise simply have very brittle delicate nails that seem impossible to grow or keep all at one length.

Nail Care and Maintenance
Wear Gloves - Water is your nail's biggest enemy. Feeling your hands in warm soapy water is one of the best feelings, but you might notice that when you are done washing dishes, shampooing your hair or washing your dog, your nail polish might be peeled off or you'll see more frays and splits in your nails. Nails are made up of layers of proteins. So when your hands are soaked in water for a long period of time, the water molecules actually get in between the layers and cause them to split apart. The best thing you can do is to wear gloves to avoid having your hands having prolonged contact in water. At least do this until you have followed all of the other tips and see a marked improvement in the condition of your nails.

Moisturize - If you aren't into wearing gloves, at least make sure that before and after you submerge your hands in water that you keep your hands, nails and cuticles well moisturized. Using cuticle oil is also a great idea toward improving the condition of your nails as they grow out.
Keep them Short - While you are working on the general condition of your nails, it is a good idea to keep them at a shorter length. Try cutting or filing them to where they just barely peek over the tips of your fingers and keep them at this length. A shorter length allows your healthy nail to grow out completely so that no part of the nail is brittle or damaged. Like having split ends in your hair, if the end of your nail is damaged, it can split down and cause damage to the healthy new growth of nail. Keep your nails cut short until you see that they are growing strong with no blemishes from the cuticle to the tip.

Bare Nails are Better - This may seem counter intuitive, but wearing nail polish can actually be bad for your nails. This is mainly due to the chemicals in nail polish and in nail polish remover. Most nail polishes contain Tourmaline and Formaldehyde, two ingredients that are harsh for your overall health, but also harsh on your nails. Nail polish remover sometimes contains acetone. This ingredient is also very drying and harmful to nails and can cause terrible brittleness.
Since part of the glamor of well groomed nails is the ability to wear beautiful nail colors, not wearing polish might not be the most appealing option. At least look for polish and polish remover that is more naturally based and that does not contain these harmful ingredients.

Healthy Nail Diet
Nails can provide insight into your overall health and whether or not you are getting the proper vitamins and nutrients in your diet. As in life in general, proper nutrition leads to healthy skin, hair, teeth and nails. A diet rich in calcium, protein, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, and vitamin A and biotin will lead to healthy fast growing nails and hair. Biotin promotes healthy cell growth, vitamin A helps the body to process protein. Liver and other red meats can be a great source of biotin and vitamin A, plus protein.

Improve your diet and take proper care of your nails, and you should see drastic improvement in the condition and quality of your nails.
I am a writer and artist with a broad spectrum of interests including hair care, health and general beauty. For more information on nail care, visit http://naildesigniwik.blogspot.com/ for other general beauty tips please visit http://naildesigniwik.blogspot.com/
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