Modern Nails Reankarnasi Salon
By: AlexpuNkreaNk grEzIkraYa, designer and writers the article about NAIL ART REANKARNASI for you today, at : 03:33-03/06/2012
In my time I will explain how you treat your nail polish to always look attractive and not easily damaged. First of all please you to perform routine maintenance to the nail salon and spa. it's pretty expensive, but for those of you all the women who care for beauty hobby shape may not be difficult to set aside some money to go to the salon to do your body treatments.
Many women in the world who tend to complain about the high beauty and body treatments are ideal. But now only a little spending money that you can go to a salon to do your nails to look beautiful and smooth look. Nail polish is a comparison that is suitable for you all as kolabori color powder and color of clothing that often you use everyday.
Hopefully you read and see all of my writing this and you all can intelligently choose to buy products that we offer to you all.

A: This is what I think is the cause of it:
1: Nervousness and/ or stress as most of you may already know.
2: We bite our nails because we try to correct the imperfectness of our nails... Hear me out.
For example if you have all ten naturally nice long and strong nails, and it just happen that one day you must have pull or try to open something too hard and you crack your nail; it didn't break but just cracked. Ok so you're mad about it, but you let it go, time flies by and 2 to 3 hour later you couldn't take it anymore. It keep on catching on EVERYTHING that you tries to do, enough with this and the rest is history.....
Q: I bites my nails and they are really short, what can I do to stop bitting them?
A: There are two choices that can help:
1: Getting them manicured can help because it will clean up your cuticle areas around the nails making them look and feel cleanly groomed, and nails that are manicured tend to grow faster than those that are not.
2: Get Artificial nails (fake nails) on them will help because naturally, artificial nails are harder to bite off and they don't taste very good, and finally they look better and polishes stays on them longer.
Q: If I put nails on, will it permanently damage my nails?
A: No. The process of getting nails put on involves: sanding or roughing of the nail bed to open up the pores of your nails so products can attach, however natural nails will continues to grow and it will be as strong as you always had them. Nails are permanently damaged only by external cause that with great force damages the "Matrix" or mother of the nail, which is located about 1/2" to 1 1/2" behind the cuticle of the nails.
Q: What is the differences between Gel and Acrylics?
A: Acrylics has been around for the longest time, products may change but it remain the same procedure as to how it is done. It's an enhancement for your natural nails to give them more lengths and strengths so they can take more abuse throughout our daily routines; and nail polishes last much longer without chipping. Gel-Nails is an example of a newer product that attaches better, stronger, look more natural due to the fact that because it's stronger, we can now applies it on thinner. Therefore it has a lighter feel on your hand, and the gel seal coating ensure a smooth and shiny finish.
Q: What is the Pink+White (Solar) Nails?
A: Pink+White Nails as they are called in the North, while Solar Nails are what they refer to them as in the South, due to the fact that they are most resistances to color changing due to UV rays, (yellowing). Pink+White Nails are newer enhancing products for your nails; pink product are applies to the nail beds while white products are applies to the free-edge (tips) of the nails, thus the name. Two products are fused together as two pieces to the puzzle to give it a more natural look, while keeping the white products on the free-edge of the nails in the half-moon (smile line) of the nails. Beautifully enhance the nail to produce a natural "French" look, perfect for ladies whose hands and nails are seen by others everyday due to the their working environments, and ladies whose just appreciate beautiful nail work of art.
Q: How often should I get my artificial nails re-done?
A: Once artificial nails are put on, recommended time for nail upkeep is 2 week, withing this time, nails would have grown out and need to be "fill-ins". This will also allow our nail technicians to carefully clean out all lifted areas cause by water abrasion damage, and replace them with new products thus making them new again.
Q: What is nail fungus and how and why did I get them?
A: Nail fungus are caused by water left trapped in between lifted space between your natural nails and the product for too long. Longer wait than recommended 2 week times for "fill-ins" will cause excess "lifting" of the product due to water abrasion can cause it. Also, nail techs who simply does not take great care in their work, indifferences in gender or nationality, who do not thoroughly remove and clean out all lifted products but rather just "masked" it over with new ones will cause the moistures trapped under the lifted product to grow into nail fungus.
Q: How do I get rid of nail fungus?
A: If this happens to you, product needs to be remove from affected nail/nails, sadly I have treated client with more than just 1 affected fingers from other salons, appropriate anti-fungal treatment should be applied on and under the nail bed. This will stop the bacterial growth, beginning stage are green in color and get darker to almost black if not treated with corrective and affective procedures. Fungus/ bacterial growth on nails can not be removed, only treated to stop growth and allows times to pass for the nail to grow out.
Q: Do you use Razor in your pedicure treatment?
A: No, there is absolutely no RAZOR involve in the callus removing process at our salon.
Q: Why don't you use the Razor?
A: Well there are couple of reasons why we don't;
1: Illinois StateBoard does not allow Razor to be use, failure to comply can result in fines and suspension/revoke of license.
2: There absolutely no-way effective procedure to sanitize the razor due to residue skin on the tool itself, let alone making sure they are using a new/ clean blade.
3: Razor treatment on your callus not only make them grow back faster, but thicker as well. That's why once they use it on you, you have to get it every time!
4: Dead skin/ callus around the pedicure chairs of a salon is just disgusting; eventually it'll release odor.
Q: If no razors are use to remove my callus during pedicure treatment, what do you do to get rid of them?
A: Our razor-free callus removing process includes a natural product that is apply directly to the callus, it'll soak in for 3 to 5 minutes, then a pumice pad is used to removed them. Pumice pad then goes directly to garbage, not washed off, as if that's gonna clean/ keep it sanitized!
Q: I've seen and hear news about people getting infections from pedicures, I need to know how and why.
A: Infections are cause by water backup within the jet/ jacuzzi piping system which collects and build with each and every use. Our State of the Art pedicure chairs are pipe-free so no water backup, and the jet/jacuzzi system is taken apart and cleaned with hospital grade germicide EACH and EVERY time, killing 99.9% of germ and bacteria.
Q: Should I bring my own sandal's or slippers to get pedicure services?
A: Yes, but if you just happen to forget, we will have NEW slippers at your service. That's why in our salon, there's no cradle or basket for you to put them in, just the garbage. Unlike others, we DO NOT reuse slippers and toe separators on clients because "athlete's foot and warts" are spread through skin contacts, no if and or but about it!
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