Crystal Nail Files Vs Emery Boards Vs Metal Files
t's that time of year for spring cleaning and outdoor gardening. While our hands and fingernails are an integral part of these chores, you don't have to ruin your manicure.

Consider the following nail care tips and your nails will never show that you have been digging in the dirt or scrubbing that kitchen floor.
1. For spring cleaning and daily household chores that require you to get your hands wet, wear cotton-lined rubber gloves to protect your nails. Why? Our fingernails swell when they get wet and shrink as they dry, which causes our fingernails to have less strength. Cotton-lined rubber gloves will help absorb moisture while keeping your hands and nails dry.
2. While working in the garden, it is important, as with cleaning, to wear the right kind of gloves. When dealing with damp soil, chemicals, or liquid fertilizers, it is best to wear rubber gloves that are water resistant. For gardening projects such as digging or weeding, consider wearing thicker gloves made of cowhide.
3. Before putting on cleaning or gardening gloves, apply some lotion on your hands or apply cream on your cuticles to moisturize. Try hand creams that contain oils such as shea butter, eucalyptus, flower or jojoba.
4. To help prevent cracks in your nails, rub moisturizer that contains alphahydroxy acids or lanolin into nail tips. For another moisturizing agent, you can also massage vitamin E oil into your cuticles. Tip - keep a bottle of vitamin E oil next to your bathroom sink to remind yourself to apply it to your cuticles.
5. When filing or buffing your nails, always go in one direction. If you file or buff your nails back and forth, this will cause splitting.
6. To promote nail strength and flexibility, eat foods that contain folic acid such as whole grains, berries, kale, and citrus fruits.
7. It is also important to drink plenty of water. This is necessary for fingernail health because it keeps the body hydrated.
8. To avoid breaking nails, don't use them as tools, such as digging or picking.
9. Use products containing alcohol sparingly. These products can make fingernails prone to breaking.
10. Do you file the corners of your nails? This may weaken the nails and cause them to break more easily.

Nail Polish Tips:
* To prepare your nails for polish, wipe them with nail polish remover. This will remove any grease from your nails and help your polish last longer.
* Be sure to let nail polish dry completely before applying another layer.
* Apply several thin coats of nail polish to your fingernails instead of one thick coat. This will allow the polish to dry faster and last longer.
* To avoid drying out your nails, try not to remove and reapply nail polish more than once or twice a week.
* Consider using a nail polish remover that contains moisturizers. This will help moisturize your nails while limiting the damage of the product.
* To keep your nail polish bottle from becoming glued shut, use a cotton ball and wipe the top of the bottle with nail polish remover after each use.
* The experts believe the best place to store your nail polish is in the refrigerator. If you store your nail polish in a warm place, it will change the consistency.
* If you don't have time to polish your nails or choose not to wear polish, you can rub on a buffing cream and then shine them with a chamois buffer. This is a very pretty and natural look.

By following the above tips and making an effort to have healthy and beautiful nails, you will have better-looking hands. You might also want to consider getting a hand massage. This will help boost circulation, encourage nail growth, and best of all pamper you, your hands, and your fingernails!
Lesley Dietschy is a freelance writer and the founder of http://naildesigniwik.blogspot.com/ - The Home Decor Exchange is a valuable website full of information and resources about home and garden decorating.
In addition to editing the Home Decor Exchange website, Lesley is a crochet pattern designer and needle fiber artist. You can view her crochet patterns and needle fiber designs at: http://naildesigniwik.blogspot.com/

You Are What Your Nails Reveal
Be it the Pink painted, well shaped, long nails, or the trim and short, square ones, or even the blunt and bald pinhead tips, nails speak volumes about you as an individual - neat, unkempt or simply shabby!

Be it the mega event you are participating in or the big fat wedding ceremony, be it a business meet or just any other day, nails require neither reason nor timing to be perfect! They just have to be presentable at all times, and all days.
Nails reveal your disposition, play a prominent role in making that first impression, clinching the all important business deal or even reminding your of the state of your health at the moment.

What is your nail like? What does your nail tell about who you are and how you relate:
People with Broad Nails
People with broad nails are known to be open-minded and relaxed. They are easygoing and handle stress with aplomb. An optimistic attitude and extreme loyalty constitute this bunch of people.

Those with long, narrow, round shaped nails, come across as gentle, with a strong aesthetic sense. These people are highly romantic and believe in extreme loyalty to those who they consider close. These people are seen in professions that do not require strenuous physical exertion, and have a pleasant dressing sense.

Those with bitten nails come across as nervous, diffident and people with a low self esteem. They are unable to construct thoughts well, and think deep into any matter that touches them personally. All the more, tension causes them to bite nails and a harmless alternative for instance, counting to ten or deep breathing, may help them overcome the habit.

Those who keep their nails short, are known to be analytical in nature. They are known to give their best to everything they do, hence, are also known to their friends as perfectionists. They can easily become intolerant at times; however, they regain their cool just as easily and are happy-go-lucky by nature.

- Firstly, a well balanced diet is the key to healthy, strong, pink nails. Fruits and vegetables, plenty of water, fruit juices and regular meals will provide you with the essential nutrients required to maintain the health of nails. There is no one nutrient that takes care of nails in totality. Nails require everything in optimal portions.
- Lack of Vitamin A and Calcium can lead to dryness and brittleness of nails.
- Lack of proteins causes white bands to appear on nails.
- Insufficient zinc can cause development of white spots on nails.
- A deficiency of Folic acid and vitamin C can lead to hangnails.

Things you can do
Stop biting and let them grow
Yes, some childhood habits do get tough to give up, but if this is getting tougher, then it would never be easy to get healthy nails. Now you decide which side of the fence you want to be are on? But know that even if you don't bite your nails, placing them in contact with saliva weakens the nail. This is because fingernails are a hard protein substance, but they are not impervious to the caustic nature of saliva.
Trim your nails regularly
This small little 10 minute task can actually give you an everlasting impression. Regular trimming of nails, may be twice a week, can keep them in the right shape, keep them from haphazard growth and keep them neat and tidy.
Start at the same length
Keep all your nails, the same length so that they start growing simultaneously and look equal and standard.
Our exclusive tips for healthy nails:
- Whenever you wash your hands, ensure washing your nails too. Remove the dirt with your other nails and ensure they are clean when you have wiped your hands.
- Wear gloves when you are on a cleaning spree so as to keep them safe and strong.
- Moisturize your nails with warm olive oil thrice a week. This will keep your nails nourished and your hands soft and supple.
- Select well known, branded nail enamels and removers and let your nails remain enamel free for at least two days a week as your nails need to "breathe." If the enamel remains onto the nails for a longer time, it weakens the natural texture of the nails and causes them to become weak.
- File your nails gently. Move the file along the edge of the nail, and move in one direction only, to prevent splitting and cracking. Use a cuticle pusher to push back the cuticles, this encourages nail growth.
- For those who have weak, brittle nails, one calcium tablet every day is a must as calcium deficiency causes nails to become fragile and breakable.
- If you want to give a natural sheen to your nails, rub petroleum jelly on your nails.
So, the next time think twice before putting your fingers into your mouth and before venturing out with shabby, unkempt nail. Instead, stay healthy and let your nails talk for you!
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