Self Working Magic Tricks
By: AlexxpuNkreaNk GrEzIkraYa. at 01:50 - 22/06/2012
Magic can be a difficult hobby to get into, and to make it a profession is incredibly difficult. To be taken seriously as a magician one must be adept in many forms of magic and at all aspects of a performance. While physical dexterity and sleight of hand are incredibly important skills for any magician to develop, patter (what a magician says to the audience during a routine), audience awareness and a command of the stage are equally important.
Skills that have to do with performances and audience interaction can be some of the hardest skills for a new magician to develop. Sleight of hand techniques or specific tricks can be practiced in the home, by oneself, a million times if necessary until the magician has them down perfectly. Skills having to do with audience interaction, however, can only be developed during the precious time spent performing in front of an audience.
For this reason, it can be nice for a beginning magician to have a bag of self working tricks. Self working tricks require little to no skill and the magic has to do with something that is already setup or inherent to the routine. Because these tricks require little practice, a beginning magician can use them to fill out an otherwise short routine. This means more time spent in front of an audience, as well as being able to more easily develop one's first routine. Self working tricks are great for a fall back as well if something doesn't go according to plan.
Masuda's WOW 2.0 is one such trick that is easy to perform even for complete beginners and produces a truly astonishing effect. It has been raved about and used by many top magicians and even made an appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman during their magic week a while back. This works with any ambitious card routine and the one laid out in the instructions is very simple and easy to master. Masuda's WOW 2.0 is one of the coolest tricks available right now and pretty much does the job by itself.
The Perfect Nail Bend is one trick that is sure to astound audience members and requires literally no work on the part of the magician. This amazing prop allows the magician to cause a seemingly normal nail to bend in the palm of an audience member's hand. It can then be shown to the rest of the audience, placed back in the helper's hand, and the nail will unbend itself. The magic happens without you touching the nail and the nail itself will stand up to examination. The magic is in the prop itself and this is a great way to get the audience's attention for a high energy performance.
One trick that really catches the attention of whoever is being performed for is the Flaming Wallet. The Flaming Wallet can be used in conjunction with many different card tricks and adds a bit of flair to an otherwise slow routine. It is essentially a regular wallet with a lighter fluid reservoir and a striker. When opened, inside of the wallet bursts into flames. This trick is a favorite of street magicians as it works well into close-up magic routines.

A Little Gem For Locating The Right Crackle Nail Polish
By: AlexxpuNkreaNk GrEzIkraYa. at 01:50 - 22/06/2012
One of the newest art effects to enhance your nails is crackle or shatter nail polish. The concept is quite simple. An aged or crackle effect on your nails can be achieved by applying a coat of crackle polish over your regular nail polish.
The base coating creates an eye-catching color and shade contrast, when seen through the cracks. It's a simple way to do your nails but looks professional. The many color choices will help you to make an unlimited color mixing that can be varied with the season, your dress, your mood or even the session of the day.

Which brands of crackle nail polish do you feel are best?
There are numerous companies which produce crackle and shatter nail polishes, both of which are quite addicting. You'll have to experiment to find your favorite brand, but here are some suggestions: Here are some suggestions to experiment with to find your favorite brand.
- Sally Hansen Crackle Polish: Sally Hansen is well-known for the quality and cost of their polishes. You maybe surprised with an array of eight different colors they have selected before entering the fray.
- Not only is Mia Secret Crackle Nail Polish a superior product, it also comes in a range of beautiful colors. A hot leading product you can learn more from is Mia Secret crackle polish.
- OPI Black Shatter topcoat: While crackle and shatter topcoat have been around since the late 90's they lost favor for the past decade until OPI revived these artsy nail creations in September. OPI has a large array of colors to choose from. Black shatter topcoat was the original style.
- China Glaze is a Sephora brand crackle nail polish from the Katy Perry line. If you would like more incredible ideas, you can find them by searching here and reading all the honest reviews offered.
You may ask if they work better than the competitors. These three polishes give the best, streak- and glob-free, professional-quality crackle patterns.

What is the secret to a crackle finish on your nails?
Some people think there is some special trade secret that makes the polish crackle and others think it simply works by magic! Neither is actually true. Normally nail polishes are created so that they dry evenly on your nails, this is what you want from a typical polish. The cracked looking effect attributed to crackle polish is due to certain solvents added to the polish so it dries unevenly. A clear coat should be applied over the crackle coat in order to preserve the appearance, as its known to not last as long as normal polishes.

Does applying thin layer make it appealing?
Although you don't have to apply it thin, the crackled appearance is more pronounced when you use a thin coat. A thicker coating will give an increased textured look due to the thickness of the polish and lessened amount of cracking. Most people do seem to prefer the effect when the crackle polish is applied thin though.
Hopefully that clears up for you what crackle nail polish is, what are some of the top brands, where you can get it and how to apply it for the best results. To get more detailed information about each brand as well as other great nail care tips read some of our other articles.

The Dream Catcher (Achievement Power)
By: AlexxpuNkreaNk GrEzIkraYa. at 01:50 - 22/06/2012
To decide what you genuinely want seems hard, but taking all the steps to genuinely get it is even harder. When I think of achievement power, I think of an old American Indian/Native American dream catcher amulet I had as a boy, that works like "nail soup". Let me explain that principle. The genuine belief principle behind all suggestions and amulets that work. The "nail soup" recipe was something explained to me as a young boy where you stick a "magic nail" into a pot, cut up ingredients and vegetables, and make a soup around it by cooking it yourself with the "magic nail" as the impetus for action, although technically (except in a spiritual sense and motivational sense) the soup is made by you mainly, the nail is "magic".
The point to that anecdote is this: Like Asa Candler made a certain world famous soft drink "magically" in a kettle to make him countless millions of dollars during his life time (take a guess which one); so we can make "nail soup out of any good idea we want. In fact, I will say that this is the genuine dream catcher: Our goals and our "magical" way to achieve them.
I put the word magical in quotes, because the real magic is the spiritual impetus behind all amulets, charms, and recipes that make them work. I do not care how rational or irrational your bent is, but you have to admit that a certain amount of leg work makes things work out in a healthy way and sense. Also, yes, belief in the magic also combined with that leg work.
Belief though, combined with the genuine essence work equals everything when it really comes down to it. If you have a passion for it, all the better. If you have marketing genius to go with that, all the better and best. If you have passion, marketing genius and the determination to succeed without matter to the seeming setback, perfect. Not just good or great, but perfect, because you have the fundamentals to become what you want to become, all that has to happen is that they have to be built upon and built up fully without matter to the obstacles involved. Life in some senses is a game, but, I give you this warning with full understanding of what I am giving: This is always the super bowl, there are not any scrimmages except for the thoughts before the actions, and there are not any "regular season games" except for what you program yourself with before sleeping at night. Every waking minute is the super bowl, though.
Winning and making yourself happy is everything, losing is nothing. To paraphrase Vince Lombardi there. At times I may sound like a Horatio Alger, Junior novella, but, think about this: When considering it that way genuinely, every waking minute is the championship game for it all, sleep is really training (when productive) for those waking minutes.
Thomas Edison took a nap. He woke up with an answer to an invention problem that he had at the time he took that nap. I end with that productive example of what sleep is really for, for every waking moment is a productive championship and not a waste of time to lament over. Especially when you have productive goals. Start now, you have not any time to lose, but all to win.
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker.
I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.
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