Friday, November 21, 2008

Nail Designs for the Workplace o(^-^)o

Good afternoon!!!!

I changed my pedicure today!

crystal gem stones
and hand painted snow flakes(^-^)~♪

I just got a question from Dori
about nail designs for short nails 
and also for the workplace.

Suitable nail designs depend
 on the type of job you have, I think.

If you're in an office situation,
maybe your boss wouldn't be so impressed
with looooots of gem stones or 
heavily decorated nails(^_^;

If you're working at a clothing store
or quite creative place,
it might be ok to have a few different colours.

So, I designed a few nails 
which are not so heavy, but not boring either...hopefully.

Sharp french with a tiny gem stone.

Gradation with pink shimmer nail polish.

French decorated with gem stones and 
nail art stickers.

White shimmer and white stripe.

Gold & gold lines, with or without stones.

I hope they could help to inspire you(^o^)/

I'm sure having something pretty on your nail
 will make you happy
whenever you look at them...
on the bus, during work, when your boss is talking 
about something that you are not interested in(^-^)v
(careful not to get in trouble...he he)

Have a good night~☆

Dear Dori,

Thank you so very much for your comment
about my santa sleigh\(^o^)/he he~♪
A little reindeer would be very nice addition for sure!!
I'm not sure if I have time to do...ha ha ha~.

The cold I caught was quite nasty...(+_+)
Please take care not to catch any cold, Dori.

I hope the photos above will help you a little bit...

Thank you again~!!

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