Friday, November 7, 2008

Cool Black Nails v(^o^)v

Good evening~!!

It's Friday night here already...
It was such a quick day for me!!

...well I didn't do too many things but.

 I started working on a new nail tip design.

It's BLACK!!

Black is such a cool colour.

Add a white stripe 
with OPI Alpine Snow...

...then add black stripes on top of the white stripe
using acrylic paint.

This is where I'm up to...

When you draw a white stripe,
please don't worry too much about 
making it perfectly straight.

You can fix any imperfection later when 
you are using black acrylic paint(^o^)v

I'll continue working on them tomorrow
and show you when they are ready!!

Good Night(^o^)/  

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