Monday, November 3, 2008

How to 3D??(o' , 'o)

How are you~??(^o^)/

It's Monday today!
Let's have another happy week together~!!!! 

I'd like to ask you a question...(*o*)
                                          Have you seen 3D nail art??

3D nail art is like this one...

These acrylic sweets on top are not designed directly on the nail tips,
but made separately on aluminium foil. 
Then you would put them on the nail tips with acrylic or glue.

It's very common technique in Japan, but
is it popular in your country too???

If so, maybe I can put 3D nail art lesson on my website!

I'll show you quickly the basic steps...
can you guess what I'm making?


...a duck??

...legs?! maybe not a duck.

A reindeer!!!!
(...if you agree(^_^;)

You can make whatever you want to make
with acrylic and a small piece of aluminium foil.

Tip: Because one side of aluminium foil is very shiny 
like a mirror, I always use the other side which is not that
shiny. That way, my eyes don't get tired by the reflection(^v^)v

Thank you for checking my blog today!!!

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