Tuesday, October 4, 2011

☆ Masking Sheets for Nail Art ☆

It's Tutorial Tuesday today!!
Well, I haven't been able to do a real proper tutorial yet but
I'm gonna get there...!!!

I got a request from Anastacia yesterday,
when I was wondering what I should talk about today.

Her request was about Masking Sheets 

Masking sheets are used just like sticky tape
when we do stripes on our nails.
But I'd say they are less sticky and thicker than sticky tapes.

They also vary in sizes,
so you can create your own shapes very easily.

You can find them in hobby stores which have
plastic models or figures of robots and airplanes.
Because these sheets are very useful when maniac people like me
want to do the painting job yourself, hehehe 

Did this post help you Anastacia??

If you have a request for me to write about 
nail art technique or products I use,
please let me know~!!

Thank you for visiting!!

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