Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fish & Chips Weekend *゚o゚)ノ


Er...yes...It's me in the photo 

Today's post is about a little bit of my weekend,
not about nails for a change...sorry!!

On Saturday,
my bf and I took a drive to the beach 
and got fish & chips...yep, very naughty food, hehehe 
But they're too yummy!!!
It's okay, because we do this less than once per month.excuses
I need naughty foods once in a while 

You may think
"What the hell happened to her fringe??".
I know, I look weird and nerdy 
like Jim Carry in the movie "Dumb and Dumber" lol 

Sometimes I get this urge to cut my fringe all in one hit
just like this...
Then I regret, so I grow them back,
then I cut again and regret....
I'm doing this routine for years now!!

Do you have such urges??
Do you cut your own fringe or hair??
How do you deal with it??

That's enough about me~!!
Thank you very much for visiting~!!
I'll write about nails tomorrow~(^3^)/xox

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