Friday, December 12, 2008

☆☆~Nail Tip Production~☆☆

Hi there~(^o^)/

How are you~??

The weekend is waiting for you~♪


I did my nails with acrylics yesterday(^-^)v

I used natural white powder on the free edge,
and pink glitter powder on the nail plate.

I'll call the combination...
*:..。o○☆゚・:,。*:..。o○☆ PINK CHAMPAGNE!!*:..。o○☆゚・:,。*:..。o○☆

...well, to be honest, i can't drink any alcohol...!!

I used to force myself to drink at a party or night club etc...
because I really envied people who can drink forever without getting sleepy or sick!
And I thought I would get stronger eventually (stupid, eh?).
But I realised there was no benefit by drinking something
my body can't deal with ( ̄▽ ̄;)he...hehe...he

Anyway!! sorry about my personal silly experience(^o^)/

I'm planning to open my nail tip store in the very near future!
I've been quite busy planning and I'm so sorry 
I couldn't update my blog so often because of that.

I also started designing nail tips for my store as well

I'm trying not make them too heavy....
but as you know, I love really heavily decorated colourful nails!!!!

There will be a lot of varieties available for sure...v(^-^)v
Wish me luck!!

Thank you very much!!

Dear Brooke,

Thank you so very much for your wonderful comment!!

I am very sorry that I couldn't reply to you quickly m(_ _)m

I'm so happy that you liked my reindeers(^-^)
And thank you very much for adding my blog as one of your links!!
I'd love to have your blog in my favourite list as soon as
I find out how to do it!!
(sorry, I'm not really good at finding new functions and stuff...)

I'm looking forward to checking your blog right now!!

Thank you so much again!!...(^3^)/***smooch!!


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