Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Hoooolidaaaayキタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!!


Happy Holiday~~~♪
Are you already having a fun time~?!!
I've been listening to X'mas music and feeling so high!!

I did my X'mas nails yesterday...
please have a look!!!!

It's white and gold nail polish marbling
with gold lines, star spangles, crystals and pearl stones!

The other hand

If I tell you the truth,
I already took off these designs.....(^-^)

Because I want to have lots of different designs of nails
for this holidayyy(


I hope you will enjoy designing
your own holiday nails!!
:*:・( ̄∀)・:*

Please have a good time~!!

Sorry for showing my silly face here...(;´ω`)ノ


~For sweet girls who always read my blog and give me comments~

I used to reply to your very nice comments on my blog for
the next day, but I am going to reply on the same comment column
under your comment.

I've seen what other bloggers are doing and
I thought replying on the comment column would be easier
for you to check!!

I'm sorry for the sudden change m(_ _)m

Thank you ever so much for reading and supporting me
through this blog(^3^)~***smooch!!

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