Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Permanent French(^3^)/***


Do you like having french nails??

I love french nails because they look very elegant and sweet as well(^v^)

But...it's quite difficult to make them perfect, isn't it...(-_-)

I found a tiny detail which can improve the look of permanent french nails;

(french nails made with white and pink acrylics).

That is PINCHING...!!

Pinching is a very important step to make a nice C curve on the free edges 

as well as making your artificial nails strong.

The middle finger is pinched while the index finger is not.

The difference is big, isn't it??

When you look from above, the index finger looks wider and fatter 

(even considering the middle fingernail is normally wider than the index fingernail!!)

   So, maybe this is something we can add as an important step in making 

beautiful and strong permanent french nails(^o^)q

See you next time...!!!!

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