Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nail Tip Stand*('o')~*

Good afternoon!

It's just after lunch time here in Adelaide...
a little bit sleepy with full stomach...(^v^)

When you make your original design nail tips, 
how do you work on them??

I always use these things...('o')/

I made them..!!!
(no, my boyfriend made them(^w^))))

It's very simple, all you need is to find some
normal hooks from a hardware store and screw them into a piece of wood.

And I use Blu Tack on top.
(Blu Tack is sticky soft rubber thing to stick posters on the wall)

They are very convenient!

So, please try this out for yourself if you are looking for 
something useful for designing nail tips.

I recommend using thick wood(mine are 2cm tall) 
to keep it stand up, and comfortable to hold as well.

And please ask somebody to help screwing nice and straight 
before you hurt your hands and nails(^v^)v

Thank you~!!

p.s If you have any designs you would like me to show you how to do it,
please ask me by sending comment(^o^)/

Please have a look at my nail art gallery as well...!

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