Gelish Vs Shellac
Gelish vs Shellac

Gelish Vs Shellac
Gelish vs Shellac is a question that many women are likely asking themselves right now, especially if they like to use nail polish a lot. While Gelish and Shellac are both the same type of product lines, there are a few, key differences that women who are connoisseurs of nail polish are going to notice. Both Gelish and Shellac are hybrid polish/gels that women can apply to their nails just like regular polish. The big attraction that women have for both product lines is that they can be worn for about 3 weeks. The similarities and differences between the two hybrid polish/gel product lines do not end there.

Gelish Vs Shellac
Colors : In considering the topic of Gelish vs Shellac, women should note that Gelish and Shellac are essentially the same with regards to popularity as well as quality. However, the formulas for each respective product line are just a little bit different. In terms of a key difference, the biggest difference between the two is found in the kinds of colors that are available. For instance, the Gelish product line features colors such as Sweet Dream, High Voltage, Tickle My Heart, Queen Of Hearts and Vegas Nights, which are a hit with women.

Gelish Vs Shellac
Where To Find Gelish and Shellac

Gelish Vs Shellac
Another key difference between the two product lines is availability.

Gelish Vs Shellac
Women who comparing Gelish and Shellac should realize that Gelish is available to the public.

Gelish Vs Shellac
Shellac can only be applied in salons. While Gelish was only available in salons, that all changed just 3 months ago when they started selling Gelish at Sally Beauty Supply and online.

Gelish Vs Shellac
Cost :Women who are mindful of how much they spend on nail services have to understand that Gelish can help them to save tons of money, whereas Shellac does not.

Gelish Vs Shellac
Since Gelish is available to the public, this enables women to do their nails in the comfort of their own homes. Every 3 weeks, women who do their nails at home with Gelish stand to save $40 over Shellac.Shellac can get expensive because it will cost women an average of $30 to $40 every 3 weeks at the salon.

Gelish Vs Shellac
Women who are interested in finding out more about Gelish can get starter kits in both beauty supply stores like Sally Beauty Supply and online stores. These starter kits go for about $50.

Gelish Vs Shellac
In the choice of Gelish vs Shellac, women should some things in mind. They should realize that while there are key differences among the two product lines, they are still really quite similar. You should consider cost, colors, and your comfort level with polishing your own nails. If you can polish with regular polish, Gelish will not be hard. With regards to expense, Shellac is more expensive than Gelish. This is because Shellac is only offered in salons while Gelish is available at the beauty supply.

Gelish Vs Shellac
I love having nice nails and I'm sure you do to. I discovered Gelish nails in a salon recently and absolutely loved it. I was, however, not intending on keeping it up because of the cost. A friend told me that they actually started selling all the Gelish colors at Sally Beauty Supply so I ran over and bought the starter kit. It is actually very easy and applies just like it says. I wanted to share this with my readers in case you want some too!
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