Saturday, September 24, 2011

On with the Holograms(゚∇^*)


This is a photo of my nails today (*^▽^*)

Well, I just added some holograms to
yesterday's nails, heheheToo easy!!
They look like a soda drink, don't they??
I'm sorry for my index finger being so short compared to the others.
I also cracked this nail at the same time as I cracked
my left hand middle fingernail! so stupid...
I need to add more moisture to my nails to prevent cracking!!

I went to the Adelaide Royal Show a few weeks ago
The Royal Show is like a small educational amusement park
which is open only one week every year.

Me and my bf went onto this ride!!
This thing has 4 people on the either end of its arms
and swing them around like crazy~~!!!
but IT WAS FUN!!!

We enjoyed having ice cream too~!
Yep, it was sunny day and my eyes were half shut. lols!

I wrote a little bit about my activities today for a change.
Did you like? or I should be focusing on just nails??
Please let me know what you think~!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!

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