Thursday, June 23, 2011

Food Nail Art Contest Part 3ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ

Continuing from the two previous posts:

I'd like to show you a little bit about
how I assembled my miniature foods today
They're just before being served on my nails, hehehe

I made a salad bowl, tomatoes and lettuce separately
using acrylics. This is how I put them together...
Sticking lettuce in a freshly picked acrylic pool.
I prefer using acrylics to stick acrylics together,
rather than using super glue.

Placing the tomatoes as well

Coating with clear acrylic mixture
so that they don't fall off the bowl

The next one is the pizza
I needed to cut around the edges of the salami
because they were too big!

Same as the salad, stick them using clear acrylic mixture.

This is a sushi boat made with acrylic and painted
with a gold nail polish.

Place rice balls which are the bottoms of the sushi
Then I realized that I made 4 sushi,
but only 3 of them were able to fit LOL!

Place sushi tops.
They're all attached with clear acrylic mixture.

Complete the boat by placing sashimi,
lemon, a leaf and a prawn.

This is how I assembled my miniature foods!
It may look difficult to do, but it's actually not that hard.
I'd love you to try if you're interested

There are more designs which are fun and cute!
Please check them out:

Thank you very much for visiting me~!!
(^3^)/Kisses xxx

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