Tuesday, May 3, 2011

☆Disney Nail Art Contest Part 2☆

This is the 2nd post about my entry for

I'll show you what I made with acrylics today!
What I did to my nails so far is on my previous post☆彡

Ok, can you guess what I'm making??


I'm trying to make a shoe, can you tell??
 Oh, I'm making this with clear acrylic on 
a piece of aluminium foil('-'*)

This is the sole part of the shoe...still a bit hard to tell.

I'm going to attach this sole to...

It's so small, I dropped it like 50 times, hehehe(;^_^

It started looking like a shoe after adding some thickness. 

Added a blue bow and done!
Sorry, this photo is taken on my schedule book,
because everywhere else was sooo messy...!!

Then I realised it was too big, so I had to make an even smaller one.

That's it!
This is how I made glass slippers

On my next post, I'll show you the rest of my decoration(*^▽^*)/

You can see other people's awesome entries

For people who are so generous to vote for me,
voting will complete ONLY after you join Orlica's
Google Friend Connect (Following her blog)!
So please be careful~ (;д;)

Thank you for your patience and for reading 
such a long post!!
See you~!!

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