I have 2 deigns to post for you today. Why such a spoil? This is crazy but i make different designs on my right and left hands.
I also decided to try put acrylic over my natural nails, to make it stronger. Because right now my nails are at the point when they always brake - and brake painful.
I have been thinking of it for a long time, but finally decided to give it a try.
Even cheap drug store acrylics turned out to be really easy to apply but ridiculously stinky :)
So far nails feel really well and protected under it. First i tried it on my pincky and have been wearing it for 2 weeks, and today i covered my all nails on the right hand.
Pluses : Nails looks and feels stronger, better shape of my curvy nails, hopefully i ll be able to grow it pass my dead zone.
Minuses: I guess only non acetone polish remover works with acrylics, and this is not really cool, for people like me who paint nails really often. For most population it will be however a plus, because polish stays on nails as long as you want - no chipping and acrylic.
Now i am thinking to order a professional colored acrylic set and try to learn how to sculptur acrylic nails on myself. Most purpose is to make some cool special effect designs.
I know i am a Nail-Art junky, and i can go really far with it.
So here is my acrylic covered right hand with some decent comics style flower

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