I think this is super cool to already have it, even that holidays are far ahead - so you can have plenty of time to think about what fabulous nail arts you can make with those polishes.
It is all about glitter this holiday season and Color Club offers triple glitter collection, a clear top coat also included.
By the way i want to say couple words about Color Club top coats, and especially 0-60 speedy top coats. I used it for about 2 weeks now, and i like it more and more with each use. It may not dry as fast as Seche Vite (as we all know it is the fastest) but it is still very fast, and i like the formula and the smoothness it delivers. And also i believe it makes your nails stronger and it really really really prevent polish from chipping. So in my opinion 0-60 speedy top coat is an excelent top coat and competitive alternative to Seche Vite. I may even switch compleately to the Color Club top coats.
So commign back to Wonderland - "Under teh milestone" - quite intence light green glitter. Will compliment well any darker color, but can be also used alone .2 coats pictures

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