Good afternoon!!
I'm so sorry for leaving my blog for a long time~!!
I hope everyone is having a great start to the new year(^o^)/
I got a question that asked
if there is anything you can do to grow nice nails
for people who have a habit of biting their nails.
I think quite a lot of people have the same question!!
And the answer is...YES!!
Of course you can grow nice nails back any time!!
I will quickly show you how the nails grow back after
biting nails for quite some time...
This is the start.
The nails are very short and there is no free edge
(the white part where the nail separates from the skin).
When you stop biting,
the free edge starts growing.
Because the pink part takes more time to grow,
it looks like only the free edge is growing.
At this stage, the top of the pink part still keeps
the shape from before.
(Keep filing)
After a while,
the pink part gets the nice round shape on top.
See?! There is no problem to get the nice nails back!!
...I know that it is not that easy...
You need to stop biting the nails first!
Even though the nails are really short,
try wearing nail polish!!
Then your nails look pretty,
you don't want to ruin your pretty nails
and also it tastes bad...!
Also applying one coat of the nail strengthener,
instead of base coat before colouring, will help too!
Then, try giving your fingers a massage!
Massaging will help bring blood and nutrients to the area,
so the nails will be strengthened and encouraged to grow!!
Here is a very easy massage technique(^o^)/
Take a small amount of hand cream.
You will see the finger tips get red.
Circle, circle, circle
on the base of the nails.
This is where the nails are made!
(Please do this nice and gentle)
Some food can help the nail growth too!!
Yummy Food for Nails?? Click Here.
Some people say nail biting is caused by stress...
so try having a bath and go to sleep early to get
at least 7 hour sleep.
When I was small, I used to bite my nails too.
At that time I was always catching a cold.
There are heaps and heaps of germs in the nails...
Probably because of that...
These are some things you can do at home p(^-^)q
I really hope you all have nice, healthy and beautiful nails
by looking after them everyday!!!!
See you~(^▽^)~♪
Beautiful Lavenders!!
I'm so sorry for leaving my blog for a long time~!!
I hope everyone is having a great start to the new year(^o^)/
I got a question that asked
if there is anything you can do to grow nice nails
for people who have a habit of biting their nails.
I think quite a lot of people have the same question!!
And the answer is...YES!!
Of course you can grow nice nails back any time!!
I will quickly show you how the nails grow back after
biting nails for quite some time...
This is the start.
The nails are very short and there is no free edge
(the white part where the nail separates from the skin).
When you stop biting,
the free edge starts growing.
Because the pink part takes more time to grow,
it looks like only the free edge is growing.
Once the free edge grows as high as the fingertip,
you can start filing and keep the length the same as the fingertip.
How to File your Nails?? Click here!

Then the pink part grows back can start filing and keep the length the same as the fingertip.
How to File your Nails?? Click here!

At this stage, the top of the pink part still keeps
the shape from before.
(Keep filing)
After a while,
the pink part gets the nice round shape on top.
See?! There is no problem to get the nice nails back!!
...I know that it is not that easy...
You need to stop biting the nails first!
Even though the nails are really short,
try wearing nail polish!!
Then your nails look pretty,
you don't want to ruin your pretty nails
and also it tastes bad...!
Also applying one coat of the nail strengthener,
instead of base coat before colouring, will help too!
Then, try giving your fingers a massage!
Massaging will help bring blood and nutrients to the area,
so the nails will be strengthened and encouraged to grow!!
Here is a very easy massage technique(^o^)/
Take a small amount of hand cream.
Spread the cream to all parts of your hands.
Hold, squeeeeeeze and pull at the same time /^3^\You will see the finger tips get red.
Circle, circle, circle
on the base of the nails.
This is where the nails are made!
(Please do this nice and gentle)
Some food can help the nail growth too!!
Yummy Food for Nails?? Click Here.
Some people say nail biting is caused by stress...
so try having a bath and go to sleep early to get
at least 7 hour sleep.
When I was small, I used to bite my nails too.
At that time I was always catching a cold.
There are heaps and heaps of germs in the nails...
Probably because of that...
These are some things you can do at home p(^-^)q
I really hope you all have nice, healthy and beautiful nails
by looking after them everyday!!!!
See you~(^▽^)~♪
Beautiful Lavenders!!
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